This photo was taken at the Butchart Gardens yesterday, June 11, 2011
The lotus flower grows in muddy water and rises up and out of the mud
to bloom with remarkable beauty.
In Eastern philosophies, the lotus symbolizes purity of heart and mind,
spiritual awakening and detachment, as drops of water slide easily off its petals.
I haven’t posted "a message from spirit" for some time now. I’ve done many writings for myself but none that felt quite right to share here. Many people are going through some very major life shifts right now and it’s a time of great change for many. Perhaps some of you are finding yourself challenged to make changes, either within or out in your experience of the world.
Dearest ones, we would like to speak to you this day about focus. When we say focus, what we are speaking of is the importance of focusing your thoughts, your actions, your life really, on yourself. This is not to say that you cannot focus on loving and caring for your family or that you cannot go about your daily life and focus on what that entails, rather what we are speaking of is that it is so important now for you to focus on what your own thoughts are, what your own feelings are and what your own actions will be, rather than about what others are thinking, feeling and doing. Make your focus about YOU.
When you focus on others, you skilfully divert yourself from your own “work” but to do this is simply a distraction. If you are thinking of...and judging...others, you aren’t able to focus on yourself, but dear ones you no longer have the luxury of this diversion. Every thought that runs through your head now is calling forth more of the same. Are these thoughts of love and joy? Be constantly aware of what you are creating and call these wayward thoughts back to you. Use the alchemy of your mind to transform them.
...what is within you that you do not want to look at and beckons you to continually distract yourself from doing so?
...what is within you that you judge yourself for, but instead find it is easier to look at others and judge?
Reel your thoughts back in now and make them work for you. Your work is within. You are all travellers on the same road but travelling on a different schedule...some of you are walking steadily forward while others are taking side paths and stopping here and there to “experience” life through the filter of drama. Do not judge someone else’s journey, for it’s all simply experience. When each of you decides to end drama in your life, that means dropping not only your own, but everyone else’s as well.
Dearest ones, it comes back to focus...focus on yourself. Pointing fingers outwardly is simply a temporary escape from focusing within. The ego is very clever in it’s distractions, but always...again and again...bring it back, bring it back. This focus requires the discipline and strength of the warrior energy...that of the spiritual warrior.
And we ask you to remember dear ones that you are not alone, you are never alone. We walk this journey with you. We are always with you and your own guided ones long to assist need but ask.
Thank you all for stopping by…I’m so glad you do. I hope this weekend was one of rest and renewal…but if it wasn’t, I hope you had fun!
Kate, thank you so much ... I really look forward to reading these inspiring words. I feel that the world needs all the help it can get right now and all of us on our paths can use reminders and encouragement.
Blessings to you.
Posted by: Susan | 06/12/2011 at 06:05 PM
Oh Kate, I just love that photo - how vibrant both the leaves and the flowers. Enjoyed the words too - focus. I think I need to admit that I really do keep busy (too busy?) so I don't have to focus on myself too much. I wonder if that will ever change?
Had a rough but I hope rewarding week. More fun to come.
Take care!!
Posted by: martie | 06/12/2011 at 06:08 PM
What a peaceful post, kate. I would like to take responsibility for experiencing my life NOT through the filter of drama, which has definitely been my unconscious choice for many, many years. Now that I am aware of this choice, I'd like to choose differently. I believe I can do this even if others need drama for their lives, and even if I live closely with these people. I wish I knew how I can do this, but I know that having this as my intention is a good start. And then focusing inward and on only my journey, not judging others--this is a good step as well. And wait for the next good step to be revealed. Thank you, kate, xoO
Posted by: Olivia | 06/12/2011 at 10:06 PM
Olivia...I agree, intent is really the magic long as peace is always our intent then eventually we WILL create a peaceful life. Changing the very basis of how we live our lives isn't an overnight fix but the benefit of that is that over time, it really takes hold and becomes "who I am".
For several years now my mantra has been "I create my life with peace, grace and ease. I AM peace, grace and ease."
Posted by: Kate I | 06/12/2011 at 11:26 PM
Martie...I'm glad you like the lotus photo...they hold a kind of otherworldly awe for me and seem to embody a willingness to open, unfold and receive.
I can't wait to see and hear more of your new home by the sea!
Posted by: Kate I | 06/12/2011 at 11:34 PM
Susan...thank you for you kind words. You're so right, we all need encouragement along the way. I think that's why blogging is so great...there's so much kindness, encouragement and inspiration available through art and the written word. I know I've been inspired and felt supported by so many.
Posted by: Kate I | 06/12/2011 at 11:39 PM
Thanks for the lovely thoughts (and image) to start my week. Hope you have a great one.
Posted by: lauren | 06/13/2011 at 05:56 PM
A beautiful photo and post, Kate. Focus on Self is so important and, often, the easiest thing to neglect. Thanks for this wonderful reminder. I love your mantra!
Posted by: Serena | 06/13/2011 at 09:43 PM
I too, need to stop and focus on myself. I tend not to judge others, but rather put myself in their shoes. It can be a real downer. Recent events have put me in so many different pairs of shoes, and I am finding it difficult to step back into my own. Thank you for this post, Kate. Perhaps it will give me the nudge I need to concentrate and focus on my heart, my creativity, myself.
Posted by: Ruth | 06/14/2011 at 05:07 AM
Hmmm...something about showering and the sound of running water that gets me thinking. I have made an effort not to judge. It was decision I made conscientiously, however, I still do judge myself far too often, and after thinking about what I posted, I wonder how much of my 'putting myself in others shoes', is judgment.
Posted by: Ruth | 06/14/2011 at 05:47 AM