She Was An Angel..."She Art" Series
digital media with pen/ink/acrylic drawing
For awhile I wondered if I'd bother choosing a word for this year but it seems that a word took charge and chose me! My ambivalence about this may have have simply come from being so tired that I was honestly questioning everything...including blogging. To continue with it, or not.
Last year's word...embrace...was brilliantly suited to the year I had and I often used it throughout the year to help me stay focused. Embrace, to me, means letting go of resistance, of allowing and working with "what is".
Oh Joy - Photograph/digital montage
This year the word that keeps whispering to me is Mastery. I know, it may sound like an odd choice...mastery of what or who? The mastery that's speaking to me is self-mastery.
Many of you know that I've spent the last several years on a personal journey to understand and work with core emotions as well as releasing any and all blocks to living a peaceful life. I want to refine what I've learned and self-mastery is the closest term I can think of, that describes this.
Life is about thoughts, feelings and emotions and they're wonderful...until they're not...but we don't have to be at their mercy. Self mastery is knowing how to come back into the balance of the heart quickly and easily and doing this until it's second nature. Learning to be in a space of love in each moment, each "now"...that's self mastery and this is my focus for 2013...and likely for the rest of my life!
One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself.
Leonardo de Vinci
The top image was inspired by another of Patti Digh's quotes on Project 137...which finished on the last day of 2012. My wish for all of you on the eve of 2013 is for a beautiful new year of sweet love, deep inner peace and the very best of health.
Sending hugs and blowing kisses dear friends!
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